
  • How to Lose Stomach Fat and Keep It off Long Term

    How to Lose Stomach Fat and Keep It off Long Term

    Many of us are envious of the models that we see on television with the perfectly chiseled abs. Even though it may not be possible for everyone to achieve that, it really is achievable for individuals to shed stomach fat and get much more fit. Losing excess fat around the abdomen is essential for overall health reasons, not simply for looking great. Numerous studies have revealed that abdominal obesity may predispose a person to hypertension, high cholesterol, and diabetes. That’s the reason why it is imperative that you eliminate that additional weight around the tummy. Below are a number of special recommendations on how to lose stomach fat.

    1. Get rid of or lower fatty and sugary food items.

    This often is the most likely culprit when it comes to abdominal obesity. Quite a few people have a tendency to store all of the excess weight that they acquire in the abdominal area and a bad diet simply tends to make that even easier. Foods like potato chips, French fries, greasy burgers and pizzas, and sweets need to be eaten sparingly, if at all.

    2. Try to eat far more fiber.

    Fiber is a necessary nutrient that a lot of men and women do not get enough of in their diet plans. It can, in addition, be something that promotes weight loss. Consuming foods like vegetables and whole grains will help an individual shed those excess pounds around the stomach.

    Also Read: Obesity: What it is and How to Prevent Obesity

    3. Drink extra water.

    The body is made up of around 60-70% water and the typical person will need to be consuming at least 8 glasses of it. Water is in addition valuable in burning fat in the body, including the stomach. Any time an individual drinks additional water, they are replacing sugary drinks, which additionally can cause fat to build up around the belly.

    4. Obtain more physical exercise.

    Exercise is possibly one of the most critical suggestions on how to lose stomach fat that an individual can follow. Physical exercise is crucial in weight management and will help a person get rid of that potbelly. One particular warning is the fact that crunches by themselves will not eradicate stomach fat. They mainly strengthen and firm up the abdominal muscles, which does get rid of fat per se. A physical exercise plan must include aerobic and resistance training to enjoy the very best of the gut-busting benefits. You can wear a waist shaper to effectively train your abdominal muscles. Many stars such as Kim Kardashian & Khloe Kardashian like this kind of auxiliary clothes to accelerate the formation of abdominal muscles.

    Following these tips on how to lose stomach fat will likely assist an individual to become healthier, look better, and feel better about him or herself. What needs to be remembered is that everyone is not meant to look like a fitness model. It is much more important than an individual gets rid of that added abdominal fat for health reasons, not to look just like Arnold Schwarzenegger or Denise Austin.

  • Diet Meal Plans for Diabetics Patients

    Diet Meal Plans for Diabetics Patients

    Patients with diabetics have to take less and carbohydrate. However, experts prescribes that diabetics patient should get 40% of daily calories from carbohydrates 20-30% from protein and 35% from the rest.

    A general advice for diabetic patients is to consume 12 calories of every pound of weight.

    Once you know about calories, calculate the protein to be taken daily. For example, if you take 2440 calories a day, protein would be 488 – 532 calories. The common diet plan to diabetic patients is fishes, low fat milk and dairy products, and legumes.

    Fiber Rich Food :

    A perfect meal plan should include fiber rich foods such as breakfast bran cereals, wheat bran, beans etc. It is also mandatory to include omega-3 fatty acids, and that kind of diet plan must provide 40 to 50 grams of dietary fiber.



    Vegetables and Fruits:

    Usually, dietitian advises their clients to eat all the vegetables and fruits, because they are good and affordable.

    Carbohydrate and Carbohydrate Counting:

    Carbohydrate is the main source of glucose in the blood. Foods rich in carbohydrate can be safely consumed at each meal and during the day without drastically elevating glucose levels. If the glucose in the blood stream is high for a long time, that pathetic condition is known as hyperglycemia or diabetes. No matter one is fat or thing, everyone needs food to survive in this world. Majority of people have major health problems due to lack of simple diet plan.

    What is Simple Diet Plan ?

    Don’t get fooled by the name. It’s simple to plan but hard to execute. Simple Diet Plan includes basic foods like vegetables, fruits, outer coating of grains and foods rich in complex carbohydrate. People can also eat raw food or minimally cooked or steam-treated food and baked items like bread.

    Also Read: The Importance of Eating Properly As a Diabetic

    Breakfast Diet Plan:

    In general breakfast is said to be a short form of breaking up the fast. It is advised not to include fruit and milk together for the breakfast. So it is recommended to avoid banana because it has the tendency to accumulate weight. Ordinary milk should be avoided and skimmed milk can be taken instead.

    Lunch Diet Plan:

    Lunch needs to be very moderate. Always keep in mind that sweets should be avoided, because sweet jeopardises the diet plan. It increases the calorie limits excessively. Rice, the staple food of south Indians, can be taken at an optimum level.


    Most of the dietitians recommend a very light dinner. Juice or milk will be sufficient. Remember that the amount of calories intake is directly proportionate to your waistline.

  • Set Weight Loss Goal with Correct Supplements and Fitness Regime

    Set Weight Loss Goal with Correct Supplements and Fitness Regime

    Losing weight needs a lot of patience and planning. It just does not happen overnight. You must be ready to dedicate a good amount of time and effort to accomplish it. Workouts and low calorie diet are the most popular way of losing weight. In addition, some supplements have also been introduced to accelerate the weight loss process.

    Balancing supplements with workouts

    Raspberry ketone is a supplement that works best along with a well-planned fitness and diet regime. It enhances the activities of brown adipose tissue and adiponectine in the body. This helps your body to burn fat faster and helps increase insulin sensitivity. You just need to take the correct dosage for it to work perfectly.

    Raspberry ketones alone might not be sufficient to reduce weight. They just speed up the weight loss activities carried out by exercise and controlled diet. However, many products that claim to have pure Raspberry ketones actually do not have it. Here is why many Raspberry ketone supplements do not seem to have any effect.

    • Most supplements contain only 100mg of Raspberry ketones
    • Most supplements are synthesized in labs
    • Additional products like kelp, caffeine and acai are added to increase the quantity
    • Many supplements contain fillers and binders to make them fit in the capsules

    In spite of making so many efforts, many people get frustrated because of the failed results. There could be many reasons for that. Some people might not take their diet seriously, while others might not follow a proper workout schedule. You might be busy with the day-to-day activities, but if you want to lose weight, you need to make and follow a proper plan.

    Take one-step at a time

    This is very important. Do not try to do everything at the same time. You will get exhausted pretty soon. Create a target. Make a plan to meet the target and follow only that plan. If you decide to lose a few pounds by lowering calorie intake, stick to it. Do not switch back to the previous diet and increase your work out time.

    Also Read: Healthy Lifestyle and Balanced Diet: Path To Good Health

    This helps you in the following ways:

    • You will be able to meet your goal without difficulty
    • You can accurately measure the changes
    • Your weight loss will be consistent

    Set a time limit

    This will make you more serious about the whole process. However, make sure that the deadline is easy for you to follow. Make a deadline depending on how much workout your body can take and how much time you can set aside every day. In addition, it depends on how much weight you want to lose.

    This deadline differs from person to person. Each person has different capacities. Some people might take about 2 months to shed the same amount of weight you want to. This does not mean you follow their steps. First figure out what your limitations are. Exerting yourself might cause some serious injuries.

    Nevertheless, a few things are very helpful in weight loss like:

    • Vitamin D supplements
    • Omega 3 supplements
    • Cardio like walking, jogging or dancing
    • Resistance exercises like weight lifting, sit-ups, push-ups etc.
  • The Importance of Eating Properly As a Diabetic

    The Importance of Eating Properly As a Diabetic

    I have a friend that recently lost someone very close to her. He was a diabetic who died at age 44. His death could have been avoided, but like some people who are suffering from diabetes do, he did not adjust his diet in a way that would help him to continue to live a healthy life. He thought he could keep eating the way he always had and then make up for his poor habits with insulin injections.

    Diabetes is a metabolic disease. It signals the body is unable to produce the right amount of insulin. This leads to elevated glucose levels in the blood. Eating a proper diet especially organic food alone side authentic maple syrup is essential for diabetics to maintain good health. It helps them to manage their blood glucose levels, slows or prevents complications, helps maintain healthy weight and blood pressure, and attain blood lipid target levels.

    Eating a good, balanced diet is not difficult for diabetics. It doesn’t require purchasing specials foods. Diabetics must simply develop a routine of eating healthy meals three times a day at set times. This will help to regulate blood sugar and keep the glucose in the blood within the appropriate target range. For diabetics this can mean the difference between living a normal healthy life and facing the threat of amputation, dire illness, and diabetic coma.

    Also Read: 6 Worst Foods to be avoided in Diabetes

    For diabetics, what they eat and when they eat it are equally important. The size of the meals they eat is also crucial. The content, size, and frequency of the meals even impact the effectiveness of the medicines the diabetic takes. They also have a direct effect on the body’s insulin production. Eating an unhealthy diet, meals that are too large or too small, or having meals at irregular hours, can lead to unhealthy spikes and precipitous drops in blood sugar levels. This is dangerous for diabetics and can lead to dangerous and painful health problems.

    Diabetics need a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and starches including beans, lentils, peas, and whole grains. This should be supplemented with small amounts of lean meats like fish and poultry. Adding some low-fat dairy products also helps. This helps the diabetic to maintain a healthy weight and avoid diabetic complications. These foods contain the fiber the body needs to moderate digestions, absorption, and the conversion of food into sugar. This type of diet also improves their overall health and vitality.

    Diabetics who eat a balanced, nutritious diet at regularized times find themselves feeling good every day. Their wise food choices also help them maintain a healthy weight, and lower their risk for stroke, heart disease, and a host of other health problems. Diabetics should also check their blood glucose levels regularly and take an A1C test a few times a year. When this is combined with regular exercise it can allow diabetics to live a normal life. But making wise food choices and following a schedule for eating meals and snacks are crucial.

    Diabetics must only consume desserts in small amounts. They should also limit alcohol intake. Alcohol can make blood sugar levels plummet and blood fats rise to unhealthy levels. For diabetics, it’s essential to drink at least one 8 ounce cup of water every waking hour. If they cannot get a full meal, they must drink juice or eat soup, popsicles, or crackers. On bad days when they have problems keeping down food, diabetics must drink ginger ale or something which contains sugar to prevent low blood glucose or hypoglycemia.

  • Detox Dieting and Cleansing Diet Plan

    Detox Dieting and Cleansing Diet Plan

    Detox is the short term of detoxification. This is the process used for neutralising the toxins in the body. Toxins are the harmful body tissues that are created with ammonia, lactic acid and some of the chemical compounds. Even though there is an excretory system in our body, there is a need of stimulate to remove such kind of toxins from our body.

    Most of the people think that detox dieting is the removal of toxic materials with drugs and alcohol, but this term actually refers to removal of toxins with the help of organic herbs and other natural techniques.



    There are different types of detox dieting. They are :

    • Minimal amount of chemical intake (ex: consuming organic food).
    • Consuming vitamin and nutrients rich and antioxidants gaining foods.
    • Intake of fibre foods and water draw out and eliminate toxins by increasing excretion and bowel movements.
    • Usually people go for detox dieting because of researchers’ suggestion. They say that toxins include pesticides, detergents, food additives, heavy metals. Diet that lacks nutrients may lead to fail in detoxing. This will built up lots of chemicals in the body that may cause sluggishness, headache, fatigue, poor skin and muscle pain.

    Also Read: 7 Effective Home Remedies For Constipation

    Side Effects of Detox Dieting :

    The most common side effect is headache within a few days, due to over consumption of coffee. For this reason, practitioners often suggest decreasing amount of caffeine. Some opt for their detox dieting during the weekend.

    The other major side effect of detox dieting is diarrhea that leads to dehydration and electrolyte loss. Detox diet should be followed only under the supervision of an expert.

    If detox is continued for a long time, it may result in the deficiencies, specifically protein deficiencies.

    Muscle pain, and poor sleep are the symptoms of illness these symptoms lead to high level deficiencies. So this condition requires immediate medical attention.

  • Vegan Diet Plan and Menu Tips for Gain a Weight

    Vegan Diet Plan and Menu Tips for Gain a Weight

    Vegan Diet Plan is the kind of diet plan that includes only the vegetarian food. Usually vegetables are used in the vegan diet plan, but vegan has a vast range of choices and recipes. There are lots of alternatives to non vegetarian recipes. For example, cauliflower and mushroom are the alternatives for chicken. Vegan eggs are also available in the market.

    Now-a-days most of the people are learning more about the vegan lifestyle. Some of them use the vegan alternatives instead of meat. There are lots of people very much curious about their vegan diet. They even use vegan cheese dip, vegan bacon etc. Here are a few vegan diet plans. Check it out and choose yours.




    Most people say no to vegan diet because it doesn’t include any fish or meat or any kind of animal products. They don’t know that there are vegetarian alternatives for these non-vegetarian foods. .The most common meat substitute is seitan made from beans. There are other products that are made from soybeans, tofu or nuts and grains. There is a substitute for fish also. It is available in Japan.

    Also Read: Diet Meal Plans for Diabetics Patients


    Similar to meat, dairy products like milk and milk based products are also considered as animal based products. The best substitute for milk is soy based beverages. margarine is the substitute for butter.


    Eggs come from chicken. So obviously egg must be avoided in the vegan diet plan, but alternatives to eggs are available in the market. They are artificially made, using soya type of products.


    Gelatin product Jell-O is not a vegan. There are very few gelatin products made with vegan ingredients. So they must be avoided.


    As far as sweeteners are concerned, honey is the only vegetable based sweetener. Sugarcane and beet based sugar varieties are considered as non-vegetarian by some people. They undergo refinement process involving animal bones.

  • Heartbreaking Hair Loss, Best to Treat It with Hair Loss Lotion

    Heartbreaking Hair Loss, Best to Treat It with Hair Loss Lotion

    Hair loss can truly be heartbreaking. Some would even call it the ‘ultimate bad hair day’. But this Valentine’s Day, fall in love with your hair again like you never have before.

    Hair care products and particularly the ones that combat thinning hair impact us all in a different way. Due to our hereditary makeup and enormous distinctions, the results and pace of those outcomes will vary from individual to individual. We might want fast treatments as a result of this frightening and sometimes embarrassing situation, but all very good things take time. Regardless of whether you might have suddenly developed alopecia, because of the damage continual to your hair follicles or regardless of whether you’ve Androgenic alopecia which is passed down through your family genes; you will find hair loss lotion that can treat these conditions.

    Men and ladies may experience hair loss in different ways. Men begin to see a receding hairline and getting an additional pronounced forehead. They frequently develop a bald spot within the middle of their heads. Women however, might see their hair thinning out gradually; some not until it is too late. But both might experience alopecia areata; this is when your hair breaks out quickly in larger clumps, leaving areas of hair loss. If any of this happens to you, it is possible to look to thinning hair treatment sand solutions such as Trinov Hair-loss Lotion, to help develop back hair.

    It is generally advised that you visit a medical professional first, to correctly diagnose the trigger of your hair loss problems. Bear in mind, there are external and internal triggers like aging, genetics, illness, medication, and malnutrition and alopecia areata. These professionals will examine you, analyse your family history and then create an informed diagnosis. After which they can suggest or prescribe the very best solution for you. Now you do have an option in any kind of solution you chose. Many are stepping away from the rigours of Minoxidil which is discovered in Hair-loss Lotion and choose using a lot more botanical alternatives.

    Now, you must understand that if your condition is in the extreme, your doctor might recommend hair transplant surgery instead. This means that your hair follicles are really unhealthy or lifeless and require to be replaced. In a situation where it’s not so severe you can find organic as well as other alternatives. Brotzu lotion has been utilized for more than two decades and millions of people continue to use this product. Trinov Hair-loss Lotion also named brotzu lotion is from December 2018 commercialized in Italy.

    A study, carried out on 30 male patients and 30 female patients undergoing daily treatment for six months, shows the following results:

    • Statistically significant increase in hair in ANAGEN;
    • Statistically significant hair reduction in TELOGEN;
    • Increase in total number of hair in the vast majority of subjects tested (90% in men and 63% in women);
    • Statistically significant increase in hair strength (90% male and 76% female);
    • Statistically significant reduction in hair loss (87% for men and 69% for women).

    This first study, awaiting new ones, already represents a first decisive indication of particularly effective results of the lotion. The test confirms that this is very well tolerated by patients and does not result in any alteration of the scalp (with only one case of slight reddening) demonstrating the following advantages:

    • An improvement of the scalp with healthier hair (77% man and 79% woman);
    • A pleasant fragrance (93% man and 90% woman);
    • An easily absorbable formula; (90% man and 76% woman);
    • Produced as a whole (87% man and 76% woman).

    You can buy Trinov lotion online on the Italian pharmacy on line.

  • Women’s hand chain – elegance at its best

    Women’s hand chain – elegance at its best

    An interesting styling idea is to emphasize your beauty by wearing hand chains. Silver hand chains are the original, delicate and beautiful jewellery that emphasize the style and femininity of every woman.

    In jewelry catalog in London the F Jewellery offer, you will find:

    • silver bracelets-chains with beads,
    • cubic zirconia,
    • fashionable accessories,

    A few small additions are enough to change the whole style, make it chic, elegant, slacker. Choosing individual elements is a pure pleasure for women. F Jewellery offers a variety of choices and suggestions, from classic jewellery solutions to avant-garde designs. It is modernity at its best: beautiful design, originality, elegance, chic and style combined with attention to the smallest detail and quality.

    Hand chains are an offer for brave and confident women who are not afraid to wear such accessories. F Jewellery is expanding its offer, adapting it to the tastes of demanding customers. Women’s silver chains are a perfect example of that!

    The assortment of these products will not leave you indifferent! From the variety of options, it is enough just to choose a model for any style.

    For respectable men and adherents of discreet accessories, classic ones are suitable. These models will look elegant and neat on the hand, as well as perfect for office wear.

    A cute accessory that attracts attention with the noble shine of precious metal and light chimes of amazingly beautiful micro pendants. The assortment of our online store includes many jewellery samples. Original designer collections are amazing. Each accessory is designed to add a unique and feminine image.

    Young active men who prefer casual in different directions prefer to buy aggressive design.

    A chain bracelet is an elegant stylish accessory for men of all ages and positions. Laconic and small items fit even a classic suit.

    Massive models should be worn on the opposite hand from the watch. Only thin, elegant chains can be worn together. The jewellery should not cause dissonance with the clothes..

    Hand chains have been a hit in recent years


    gold hand chains

    Silver chains with pendants have been conquering the canons of fashion among young people and mature ladies for years. In our store, you will find great deals for both groups. Silver chains with a pendant are perfect as a gift. Due to their elegant character, they are used as a birthday, engagement, wedding or Christmas gift.

    We offer a wide selection of inexpensive chain bracelets at affordable prices. There are options with curly patterns, stones of various colours, beads, other decorations, as well as ordinary chain bracelets with no frills. Each customer has the opportunity to sort the product by colour in the search.

    The F Jewellery catalog contains photos of jewellery from different angles to get a complete picture of the product on offer. Here you will compare and see information about the price of the product, its characteristics, availability in stock. A chain bracelet, as well as any other product purchased from us, will delight you with its appearance for a long time.

  • Daith Piercing for Anxiety & Migraines [Fully Guide]

    Daith Piercing for Anxiety & Migraines [Fully Guide]

    It is not necessary that you get anxiety problem with only one symptom but there are more problems that can daith piercing for anxiety. Here in this article, we are discussing in brief details about the anxiety which give you the idea of how to make up your mind when you get the Daith piercing for anxiety.

    Anxiety is Dangerous or not

    Same time tension itself isn’t harmful, those stress it makes could make. Short scenes from claiming shelter skelter stress need aid generally harmless, anyway persistently raised anxiety can damage the figure. For a fact, it’s usually the possibility that 94 percent for every one disease may be initiated alternately disturb by stress.

    Anxiety SYMPTOM

    Anxiety appears to be should be confusion at those indications turned into steady Also they ruin your every day exists Also your capability will work legitimately. People, who would suffice from steady disorders, frequently all the report card those side effects concerning illustration.

    • Stomach upset
      As your body’s anxiety returns to a more ordinary level, indications of anxiety subside, including stomach upset. Therefore, this tension manifestation needn’t a chance to be a result of concern. It’s worth noting that once those stomachs get to be upset because of anxiety or anxiety; it might detract a percentage the long run to it on settle crazy.
    • Palpitations
      Tachycardia could cause uneasiness. SVTs result in indications of heart palpitations, lightheadedness, midsection discomfort, shortness from claiming breath, and, In times, they might reason you to pass on. The psyche responds also could cause further indications of tension What’s more frenzy.
    • Poor memory
      Anxiety furthermore tension can also prompt poor memory. Misery will be connected with fleeting-memory misfortune. It doesn’t influence Different sorts from claiming memory, for example, long-haul memory and procedural memory, which controls engine aptitudes.
    • Sleep problem
      Anxiety and tension might foundation dozing issues alternately settle on existing issues more awful. Also hosting a tension issue exacerbates those issues. A sleeping disorder may be the clinical term for people who have inconvenience tumbling asleep, trouble staying asleep, waking a really right on time in the morning, or waking up inclination unrepressed.
    • Poor concentration
      Fleeting-memory impedance Also fixation issues could come Furthermore try rarely, happen frequently, or persimmon tree uncertainty. Fleeting-memory hindrance What’s more fixation issues might precede, accompany, or take after a acceleration from claiming other tension sensations Also side effects.
    • Fatigue
      Whether you’ve been under a considerable measure for anxiety lately, that stress camwood also settle on your particular figure feels chronically fatigued, exhausted, and What’s more tired constantly. Anxiety is an as a relatable point reason for incessant weakness. Numerous individuals misjudge tension and stress-initiated incessant weakness for incessant weakness syndrome.
    • Unsteadiness
      Unsteadiness feels temperamental tension side effect, the precariousness manifestation could likewise appear similarly as though you would unsure or your balance, feel wobbly, or that you might fall over. Unsteadiness, dizziness, inclination mixed up or unsteady need aid normal indications of stress, including the stress tension.
    • Constant worry
      Everybody gets on edge sometimes; anyway, if your worries What’s more apprehensions would something like that consistent that they meddle with your capability should capacity and unwinds.
    • Muscle tension
      Muscle Tension, constant tight Muscles, Aches, ache uneasiness indications. Now and then the tension muscle pressure torment might make Along these lines extreme that ache medications are needed. Headaches, muscle pain, muscle tension, tight muscles, what’s more firmness need aid constantly on basic indications of stress-response.
    • Fear or confusion
      WebMD side effect checker serves you discover the practically basic medicinal states shown Eventually Tom’s perusing those manifestations Anxiety, Confusion, challenge concentrating and dread.
    • Shortness of breath
      On practical people, SVTs would irregular occasions not triggered toward practice or other exercises. SVTs cause indications of heart palpitations, lightheadedness, midsection discomfort, shortness of breath, and, during times, they might reason you should pass on.
    • Sweaty hands
      The physical indications connected with tension issue might include cold, damp (or sweaty) hands Also feet. Heart palpitations “racing heart” alternately a feeling about skipping beats dry mouth.

    Is symptom of anxiety fog to Brain

    At mind haze Also foggy mind would be initiated by a dynamic anxiety response, quieting yourself down What’s more holding you’re on edge conduct technique will bring a wind of the dynamic stress reaction. On account mind haze is a regular side effect for uneasiness Also persistently raised stress, it needn’t make a cause for concern.

    Last Words

    The confusion is caused by Anxiety where stress, tension alternately dejection could foundation forgetfulness, confusion, trouble concentrating also on other issues that upset every day exercises liquor addiction. Incessant Liquor addiction camwood genuinely disables mental abilities. Liquor could additionally cause memory misfortune by cooperating for medications.

  • 5 Beauty Mistakes Boomers Sometimes Make

    5 Beauty Mistakes Boomers Sometimes Make

    Piles upon piles of magazines are crowding my night able, threatening to tumble onto the floor and lately, I avoid opening them.

    Why? They’re full of airbrushed, gorgeous, YOUNG models and celebrities. Who can compete? (I know, I shouldn’t even try.) Who can even hope to measure up? If I tried to emulate their look, I’m afraid it would be a complete…bust.

    Which gets me thinking. We still want to look great. We still want to keep up with the newest makeup trends. I don’t know about you, but my heart quickens when I read headlines that promise you can look 10, 15 or even 20 years older.

    And then my brain reminds me to be realistic.

    I think it’s entirely possible to look your best without looking inappropriate, but there are definitely some mistakes we make along the way that comes in the way of our quest:

    1. Skipping Moisturizer

    With age, you lose skin oils; your skin becomes dryer and duller. And that makes wrinkles and fine lines stand out even more. Moisturizing plumps up the skin while and diminishing the appearance of lines and wrinkles.

    2. Going Overboard with Retinoid (or Giving Up Too Soon)

    Retinoids stimulate your skin to produce more collagen, which helps fight wrinkles. They first came about as a topical treatment for acne, back in 1971; following that, Tretinoin was approved by the FDA to treat wrinkles by increasing the production of new collagen. All good, yes? But know this: it takes a while for your skin to adjust. And a small amount goes a long way. That’s why you need to start slowly – and expect some redness or peeling of your skin in the beginning (paradoxically, if you have acne it will make it worse before it makes it better). Too much too often can be very irritating; it’s best to start twice weekly and gradually increase usage depending on how your skin responds. And you need to be patient: it takes three to six months of regular use before you start to see a difference in your wrinkles; best results come after six months to a full year.

    3. Combining Too Many Anti-Aging Creams

    Although it may seem like more is better, it’s not always. Using too many creams can irritate your skin and rather than see results, you’ll see redness and irritation – which will defeat the purpose and make your skin look worse. Start with one product; then after a month or two, slowly add a second.

    4. Skipping a Primer

    Primers help “set the stage” and create a blank canvas from which you can work your makeup magic. They minimize lines, temporarily cover dark spots and help your foundation adhere better to your skin. Your best bet is to use one with a silicone base, which helps fill in uneven skin texture and fine lines. Think of primer as “spackle” for your face.

    5. Layering on the Powder

    Sure, powder is nice to set your makeup and give a finished look to your face. But you cross the line into mask-like territory when you put on too much and it has nowhere to go but bore into your fine lines and pores, exaggerating what you really want to minimize.