Home Beauty Amazing Skin Care Tips: How to Take care of Your Skin

Amazing Skin Care Tips: How to Take care of Your Skin

Great skin care can help delay the natural aging process and prevent several skin problems. These simple skin care tips will help you protect your skin to keep it healthy and glowing for years to come.


Soap and water may be perfectly fine, but if they make your face tight for more than a few hours, it means your skin isn’t replacing its natural oils and lipids fast enough. So instead use either some sweet almond oil (Patted off with Kleenexes) or a awesome quality soap less cleansing bar or a cleanser.

This is also wise if your water is hard. Experiment until you find a cleanser that removes makeup and dirt effectively and rinse off easily with water. You don’t need to bother with a toner.


Your skin’s sebum is a good moisturizer. This contains oils, lipids, hyaluronic acid and lactose (a sugar). So avoid any soap or cleanser that removes so much of your natural secretions that your skin feels taut ten minutes later.

Some women benefit from this inbuilt moisturizer by wiping a fingertip along the creases beside the nose and above the chin and transferring what they pick up to dry areas on their face.

However, most mature women benefit from extra moisturizer. Commercial ones contain a number of ingredients

Moisturizer Ingredients include:

  • Essential fatty acids (alpha linolenic acids and linoleic, sometimes, confusingly, called Vitamin F)- these nourish cells and help prevent inflammation.
  • Oils- These waterproof the skin
  • Silicone- This mimics oil by waterproofing but doesn’t clog pores.
  • Glycerine – This attracts water
  • Collagen- This attracts Water
  • Hyaluronic Acid- This is a more expensive water attractant.
  • Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)- helps prevent photo-aging (damage from free radicals-unstable particles of oxygen generated by UV light)
  • Vitamin E- Acts like Vitamin C
  • Retinoids (Vitamin A derivatives such as retinol)- Help smooth wrinkiling caused by UV damage. Tretinoin, found in products such as Retin-A, Renova and Retinova, is a prescription only ingredients but is not as effective as first thought.
  • Alpha- Hydroxy acids (Fruit acids)- Smooth, Moisturize and firm the skin by helping it to shed any dead cells, retain water and make collagen.

I personally recommend Attitude Cleanser, Artistry Cleanser and Moisturizer as Artistry is among the world’s Top 5 premium’s brand and I have a personal experience of this product. My lots of Clients have a great experience with these products.

Sun Protection:

Protect your skin from UV-damage by avoiding too much sun, applying a sunscreen in the sun and using a daytime cream containing sunscreen and antioxidants.

Look for a product with both UVB and UVA protection. UVB protection alone doesn’t protect your skin from the aging effects of UVA rays. And by allowing you to stay in sun longer, it actually encourages UVA damage.

Also Read: Dry Skin Care: How to get rid of Dry Skin

Remember that a product’s SPF (Sun protection factor) is only an indicator. If, for example, being in the sun for ten minutes normally makes you burn, using a product with an SPF of 15 means you can stay out for 15X10 minutes-150 Minutes.

Food & Drink:

Eat a healthy diet with plenty of skin-friendly nutrients, Drink lots of liquids and take half-hour of exercise daily to keep your weight stable and to avoid the folds of skin that often follow repeated crash dieting.

Five Amazing Fruits that glow your skin:

  1. Lemon: Lemon contains vitamin C and its juice will keep your skin good-looking. In every morning, take a glass of warm water with a tsp of honey and a dash of lemon juice on an empty stomach is a great skin cleanser. Lemon can be used to lighten the skin tone and also diminish acne scars due its astringent properties. Rub the inside of a lemon peel on your elbow and it can remove dark spots. Take lemon juice and honey and mix it then use it as a natural bleach on your skin.
  2. Apple: Studies by nutritionists have shown that apples contain plentiful amounts of collagen and elastin that keep the skin young. Apple has antioxidant property which prevents cell and tissue damage. Applying a mixture of mashed apple, honey, rose water and oatmeal can act as a great exfoliating mask on your skin.
  3. Orange: Orange is very rich in vitamin C that improves skin complexion. Like apple, orange also contains collagen that delays skin aging process. If you rub the insides of orange on your skin it can tighten your skin. Oranges can be dried and powdered and used as a natural scrub. Oranges also help clear skin imperfections.
  4. Papaya: Papaya is a natural skin exfoliator and it helps in skin discoloration. Papaya is an amazing fruit that reduce and treat the signs of aging on the skin. The application of finely grounded paste of raw papaya on the face for 20 minutes helps reduce unwanted pimples and dark spots. Papaya is rich in antioxidants and contain a special enzyme called papain that can kill dead cells and cure skin impurities.
  5. Mango: Mango has several health benefits. It has an amazing effect on skin. Mango is rich in vitamin-A and rich antioxidants, it fights against skin aging, recovers and regenerates skin cells and restores the elasticity of skin.


Blood carries oxygen and nutrients to working cells throughout the body and by increasing blood flow, exercise helps nurture skin cells and keeps them vital. In addition to providing oxygen, blood flow also takes away waste products, including free radicals, from working cells.

Quit Smoking : Smoking is not only harmful for your health but it also very harmful for your skin too. While the skin wrinkles may not be reversible, you can prevent getting worse of wrinkling by giving up smoking now.

The nicotine in tobacco causes narrowing of the blood vessels in the outmost layers of your skin. This spoils blood flow to your skin. Smoking is additionally connected with increased wrinkling and skin damage on some other parts of your body, including your inner arms.

Reduce Intake of Alcohol: Facial flushing is likely the most well-known skin sign of drinking liquor, as intake causes the blood vessels in the skin to widen even with modest intake, increasing blood flow. Over time, dilation of blood vessels can become permanent, leading to the formation ectasia (spider veins)

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Alcohol intake in moderation in combination with appropriate water and food intake is ideal. But too much of Alcohol intake is very harmful for skin

Get Enough Sleep:

An adult require around 6-8 hours of sleep. If you don’t get enough sleep then it will make you feel tired throughout the day. Additionally, it will give you bags under your eyes which won’t make it a healthy looking skin.

Try Yoga and Meditation:

It has been proven that Yoga and Meditation are very effective ways to nourish the Skin. Yoga can rejuvenate your skin and make you look gorgeous. Some yoga asana like Tadasana, Uttanasana, Utkatasana, Shirshasana are very powerful in skin care.

If you follow the above tips, I am sure you can get a glowing and healthy skin for a long time.

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