There are many types of blood disorders. When a person suffers from such disorders, any of the following can be affected:
White blood cells
Red blood cells
There are many ways to go about treating blood disorders, but the best remedies will depend on the exact condition that a person suffers from. Many times, people will go about treatment through medications prescribed to them by their physicians. Others, however, seek natural remedies. Fortunately, there are several natural solutions for treating blood disorders.
Treating Anemia
A great natural solution for treating anemia is bee pollen. Consuming it will increase the amount of red blood cells found in a person’s bone marrow. The recommended amount is 1 teaspoon on a daily basis. Another natural remedy for anemia involves mixing 2 tablespoons of black strap molasses with an equal amount of apple cider vinegar, and then drinking it with water or tea.
Treating High Blood Sugar
For high blood sugar, a wonderful natural solution are blueberry leaves. The leaves need to be both dried and crushed and then mixed with 1 cup of boiling water. After the leaves have boiled for 10 minutes, the liquid should then be strained and drank every six to seven hours.
Natural Blood Builder
This concoction involves several ingredients, including:
- One teaspoon of fenugreek seed
- One teaspoon of dandelion
- One teaspoon of dried comfrey
- Two cups of boiling water
After boiling all the ingredients together for 15 minutes, strain the liquid and drink after every meal.
Treating Diabetes
Strawberry tea is a great for treating diabetes. To make this type of tea, place five strawberry leaves in 1-2 cups of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. After doing this, strain the liquid and drink. Wild carrot tea is another great natural remedy for treating diabetes. After boiling several wild carrot blossoms in 1 cup of boiling water for 10 minutes, strain the liquid and drink at least 2 cups of the tea a day.
Treating High Blood Pressure
When it comes to treating high blood pressure, there is a wide array of natural remedies. For starters, mixing 1 tablespoon of cayenne pepper with 1 cup of hot water and drinking it on a daily basis has been proven to be very effective at lowering high blood pressure. For those who can’t handle the taste of cayenne pepper, it’s possible to consume it in pill form by filling two #00 capsules with the pepper and taking them on a daily basis. Taking 1,000 milligrams of calcium on a daily basis is also helpful at reducing high blood pressure. Lastly, a natural remedy for this condition is mixing an equal amount of tag alder, chamomile and mint together and simmering it for 30 minutes in 1 pint of water. After the simmering is done, it’s best to drink 1/2 a cup of the liquid three time a day.
- best remedies
- Blood Disorders
- Natural Blood Builder
- natural remedies
- natural remedy
- natural remedy for treating diabetes
- natural solution for treating anemia
- Natural Solutions
- Strawberry tea
- Treating Anemia
- treating blood disorders
- Treating Diabetes
- Treating High Blood Pressure
- Treating High Blood Sugar
- types of blood disorders