Healthy FoodWeight Management

Healthy Foods to Help You Lose Weight

You are what you eat. Or at least that’s how the saying goes. You’re more than what you eat, however. Indeed, how you...


DIY Quinoa Facial Mask – Quinoa Diet

Quinoa is the base of quinoa diet but quinoa actually is good for your skin and hair too. It’s a rich source of...

DiseasesHealth Tips

Cellulitis Skin Infection: At a Glance

Cellulitis is a form of skin infection that often damages underlying tissues. It is bacterial in nature and the bruises it leaves behind...

Gift Ideas for Christmas
Diet & Nutrition

Santa’s Top Picks: 5 Healthy Gift Ideas for Christmas 2021

Winter is coming and so is Christmas! With just a few days left till the biggest holiday of the year, shopping malls are...

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